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Please find these videos to support your mind, body and soul.

15 Minutes Morning Mobility Routine | FrancheskaFit
In this morning mobility routine we will be going over the full body in just 15 minutes, you can do this anywhere!
INSTAGRAM: @FrancheskaFit

Boho Beautiful Yoga
Advanced Yoga Workout ♥ Challenge Your Strength & Balance | Tofino
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This yoga for advanced level which was shot in beautiful Tofino BC, is perfect for anyone that feels like they're ready to take their yoga practice to the next level. Working through different challenging yoga asanas, this advanced yoga flow will not only help you gain more strength and stamina but it will also promote weight loss, fat loss, and muscle definition. Don't forget to breathe through this advanced yoga workout, stay connected to your breath. Remember every minute, every challenging asana is part of your yoga & fitness journey.
Remember to be patient with yourself. This advanced yoga class can be hard in many moments, so please listen to your body and only push yourself to a limit that you are comfortable with. If you incorporate this yoga workout practice and its postures into your daily practice, we promise that you will begin to see incredible changes in your strength and stamina of the body.
Get ready to tone, breathe, and stretch! XO
Juliana and Mark*
#bohobeautiful #advancedyoga #yoga
Video Location: Half Moon Bay In Tofino BC
Music: Change By Michael FK.
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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

Ann Swanson Wellness
Tai Chi Warm Ups for Beginners | Dr Paul Lam
Tai Chi Warm Ups for Beginners | Dr Paul Lam
Join me, a Tai Chi for Health Institute student, as I demonstrate this tai chi for beginners warm up video inspired by the well known tai chi master Dr Paul Lam. This sequence begins with some easy qigong warm ups and leads into beginners tai chi exercises with cues for instruction. I recommend to my yoga therapy students to establish a qigong daily routine because it is a great way to get the body moving and doing qigong for joint pain is a perfect way to refresh after a long day. I hope you love this tai chi at home for beginners video, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Did you enjoy this video of tai chi for stiffness? Make sure you sign up for my email list to be the first to know about tai chi and wellness related videos and resources I only share on email:
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Join me, Ann Swanson, yoga therapist and author of SCIENCE OF YOGA ( for my live monthly meditation on Zoom. Stay after to meet me and chat!
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#qigongforbeginners #taichiwarmup #drpaullamtaichi

Abigail James
Anti-ageing, Face lifting massage - Abigail James Facialist
Anti-ageing, face lifting massage. Thank you for watching this face massage tutorial for glowing skin. please give a thumbs up and subscribe, to be the first in the know and to keep your skin glowing
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Face massage is one of my favourite ways of treating the skin, you don't need to be afraid of massaging the skin, your face won't sag thats a myth and you won't do any damage. Its something I have done for years on myself and in my facial treatments and also in methods I have trained other therapists in, which combine many methods from around the world from, Japanese face massage, llifting face massage, myofascia massage, Indian face massage, sculpting face massage and so much more. This video demonstrates how simple and effective face lifting massage can be to lift and sculpt the face with methods from a professional skin expert and Facialist.
These types of face massage moves should never hurt, can be done on a normal skin 1-4 times a week, if your young, sensitive or acne prone then this is going to be too stimulating for you. You can use some of these methods in your daily cleansing routine and maybe just a once a month or once every other week at home facial. They are great for smoothing the forehead, massaging to get beautiful cheekbones, supporting reducing eye wrinkles and so much more.
And remember if you want results its a combined approach, massage on its own will only go so far, your skincare products and facials are also key to keeping you skin looking youthful.
Come and follow me on instagram for daily skincare updates and check in on what Im up to
#Faceliftingmassage #AbigailJames #bestfacemassage

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